Ken, we gotta get these screens out of your dreams – they can't have THAT world too, can they? (He typed, on his screen, the blue light, the hunched back..)

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Yeah. I don't think this dream was about getting to the yoga class, Ken. I am pretty sure it was about those bubble-braided, screen-obsessed women. Any idea what that means? This line was very clever: "Perfect agreement would be as rare as delight would be contagious. " And "I felt amidst a kind of community I didn't understand." These days, I feel like this All. The. Time. Your photo was shockingly perfect (or perfectly shocking). Those colors! Yeoow!

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"In those Uplands of Meaning and Realisation, that combinatory corral in which nothing is bizarre and everything is connective." Kenneth, your writing is sublime. Let's each bring a dream to the pub in Oxford.

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Aw tysm Kenneth! Of course I was absolutely loving this as as I read along, way before I saw your kind shout out. 'Obstacular' nails it. And I was thinking that this sweet Substack space we all keep crafting in our varied dispatches and reads and follows is in some lil way that shared dreaming, much inspired by how you share yours

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Thank you for obstacular. It was not in my back pocket. It is now. I'm lucky to have a good friend who loves disecting dreams and does it well. I see a few familiar to me dream tropes here. I can't assign meaning though. The thwarted goal; the frustration of interruption; the alienation from the crowd; the older man younger woman (With exotic/exceptional features.) I don't see the no-pants trope, so for that you can be grateful. They suck. Also... Amazing that you probably took an hour to pen this dream that likely took a mili-second of brain processing time.

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