Jul 30, 2023Liked by Kenneth Mills

A great piece, Ken! As someone who is somewhat dog-obsessed, I enjoyed this peek into your dog-filled daydreams :) Your thoughts on dogs' disappointment with humans made me think of Andre Alexis's novel, Fifteen Dogs. (The basic premise is that Hermes and Apollo have a bet over whether dogs would be happier if possessed with "human intelligence" - including speech - and the ensuing experiment gives much food for thought on humankind's relationship with eachother, with dogs...)

Less dog related: Your aside about traveling souls and places where things "start in one way to end up in quite another" jumped out to me. I jotted it down because I think it gives an open, judgment-free framework for thinking about my own meandering path. Thanks again and looking forward to reading more!

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Thank you, Amy, I'm moved by the resonance for excellently-meandering you. Will be checking out the Alexis!

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Another gem, Ken! I was thinking of a couple dogs myself, not just the diamond ones. There was a close-up of one, in an Italian painting (exhibited in Ireland), that caught my eye last time. But there are also the dodger dogs, and one might be peeking out from that stadium shot. For me though, Glenn with two N’s steals the show. “Just Wine”!!

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Your eye. Glenns, like dogs, abound, thank goodness.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Kenneth Mills

Love this one. I want to read a short story with these "frank", and ironically maybe even "catty", dogs as the characters 😂

Actually the attitude of your imagined dogs reminds me a lot of the characters in the episode "Three Robots" from the show "Love Death + Robots" on Netflix! You should give it a watch, it will bring your speculative and critical dog characters to life. (It's an Anthology show, so don't worry about missing other episodes)

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Kenneth Mills

I could get carried away here, but you would also LOVE the episode called "Jibaro" from the same show... it's an amazing story of horror and enchantment!

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Gracias, Adoo!

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What fun! I've become used to people looking at the world through the eyes of a cat more than a dog. It made me wonder whether a whole lot of dog people have neither the time nor the space for dogs, have cats instead, and treat them like they were dogs - like pack beings rather than loners.

Having discovered Ed Yong's wonderful books through his essays in THE ATLANTIC, I think about beings in the world a little differently.

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