Mar 22Liked by Kenneth Mills

"Are we “patients” of a kind? How can we not be? Who's not in a form of recovery?" YES.

"... inmates of our monastic-studious carceral idyll..."WHAT A FINE PHRASE

"... the lying down is great...when do we lie down again?" AND DOESN'T THAT RING MY BELL!

A wonderful exploration here, Ken. Your photos have taken me back to so many scenes. Those never-ending narrow staircases ( made especially challenging with two bags...) The higgle-piggle view out the windows onto pipes and scaffold and mossy roof tiles. I loved your photos and all of this. Thank you.

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Mar 27Liked by Kenneth Mills

“Strategic alliances form between individuals only to re-form. Pieties attract and repel. Knowing glances abound. Factions are suggesting themselves, differently fashionable coteries, rebel fringes, real and imagined. My fellow fellows and I are are like so many murmurations of starlings, reconfiguring ourselves in an instant—over a mealtime, after a well-timed drink, following a generous question, or the latest bit of advice.”

I think I could quite happily read that paragraph over and over for the rest of existence. Thank you. And thank you so much for sharing Dirk and Bente, and your gorgeous impressions of them. What a joy, Kenneth.

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Mar 23Liked by Kenneth Mills

Such a creative intertwining of stories, I loved it! Did you come up with Dirk and Bente, arguably the most Dutch names ever, yourself? If so, you're basically Dutch now, good job. Also, there is 'uitwaaien' (I guess?) but what is the word for flashing your tupperware too soon? I've been away for too long...

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Mar 23Liked by Kenneth Mills

Other Ken and I read this aloud to each other to our great pleasure and amusement! Deep laughter and appreciation of writing wit and style. Love Kathy

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Did Levrero name the pigeons in his Luminous Novel? He should have! Miss you.

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