There's something beautiful about having a spot that isn't, technically, YOUR spot – in addition to yours, that is, but down the street or in a town you get to once every couple years, or for every spring training. The risk is they'll change the menu or swap out the barstools for something new and unfamiliar, but the reward is the times they don't and it's like you never left. Amazing grace!

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Brilliant photos, Ken. I especially love the multi-color fence and the bright red Black Dog sign. Since you have asked, I used to have two favorite haunts here in Santa Cruz that I would go to for casual company, coffee-houses. One was in the 1980s, a small atmospheric upstairs place looking down over the water. A quiet atmosphere of "world music" and newspapers. The other was 1959 - a prototype, beatnik hangout with chessboards, candles dripping from wine bottles, cool jazz, Italian coffees Now I am old and I mostly frequent my Laz-e-boy.

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These look like some nice spots! Yes, I can see you brooding in the back of one of these places. Nice work.

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Dawg, happy to spot you anytime!

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Nicely said. Love the staircase. I assume your professorship pays better than would a resident barfly-philosopher-Artist, but it must feel good to know you definitely have a backup plan for when your day job gets outsourced to ChatGPT.

Blue Moon in Seattle. I'll take you there....

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I don´t need a bar--when I´ve had a long day, when the world seems to be unravelling etc etc ...I have my very own Black Dog right at home.

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